634 research outputs found

    “Les sphĂšres divisĂ©es”. D’Aristophane Ă  Ibn Hazm

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    The author makes a study of the problem of love understood as meeting of the two parts of a soul-sphere. It is a Greek myth that has had a long tradition in the Arabic literature on love. The author is centered in Ibn Hazm of Cordoba

    El género femenino como elemento amenazante : "La mujer alta", de Pedro Antonio de Alarcón, y "La mujer sin cara", de Emilio Carrere

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    La presencia de la mujer como elemento amenazante es el punto comĂșn entre los dos relatos objeto de estudio: La mujer alta (1881), La mujer sin cara (1923). Son dos relatos de dos autores diferentes que se enmarcan en dos Ă©pocas diferentes, cada una tiene sus propias peculiaridades. El primero se encuentra en pleno realismo mientras que el segundo coincide con el cambio de siglo y la entrada en escena del modernismo como nueva propuesta literaria. Por encima de esta evoluciĂłn literaria, se trata de dos relatos cuya figura principal es la mujer a travĂ©s de la cual gira el elemento misterioso, sobrenatural y, a la vez, terrorĂ­fico.The presence of the female gender as a threatening element is a feature common to both stories to be studied: La mujer alta (1881) and La mujer sin cara (1923). The two stories were written by two different writers belonging to two different eras, each of which has its own peculiarities. The first belongs to the realistic school whereas the second is marked by the beginning of the twentieth century and the advent of modernism. Beyond this literary evolution, we are in the presence of two stories in which the main characters are women through whom the elements of mystery, the supernatural, and terror are presented

    Dual Anthropogenic Origin of Global Warming through GHGs and IR Radiation Emissions from Artificialized Soils

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    This paper contributes to explain the global warming instead of "giving up" and thinking about passively adapting to climate change or global warming. It makes more sense to tackle what creates the greenhouse effect and contributes to global warming. The greenhouse effect is not only due to GHGs emissions, but also to the excess IR radiation emitted during the day, by artificial surfaces, following the absorption of solar radiation. The phenomenon should be compared to that of radiative forcing well known by climatologists and which makes the link between atmospheric pollution and the density of heat fluxes stopped by the atmosphere inducing global warming. It becomes clear that type an equation here. The surplus CO2 and IR radiation emissions influence global warming, not to mention the direct part of the heat released by the combustion of fossil fuels and even renewable (wood fires, biogas, friction of wind turbine propellers with the air)

    Global Warming and Its Multiple Causes

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    The global warming which preoccupies humanity, is still considered to be linked to a single cause which is the emission of greenhouse gases, CO2 in particular. In this article, we try to show that, on the one hand, the greenhouse effect (the radiative imprisonment to use the scientific term) took place in conjunction with the infrared radiation emitted by the earth. The surplus of CO2 due to the combustion of fossil fuels, but also the surplus of infrared emissions from artificialized soils contribute together or each separately, to the imbalance of the natural greenhouse effect and the trend of global warming. In addition, another actor acting directly and instantaneously on the warming of the ambient air is the heat released by fossil fuels estimated at 17415.1010 kWh / year inducing a rise in temperature of 0.122°C, or 12.2°C / century

    What determines IPO underpricing ? Evidence from a frontier market

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    This paper empirically analyzes the short run performance of Tunisian initial public offerings (IPO). It sheds light on the determinants of IPO’s in a context of a frontier market characterized by high information asymmetry, low information efficiency, thin trading and the presence of “noise” traders. Using a sample of 34 Tunisian IPO’s from the period 1992-2008, we find that the average market adjusted initial return for the first three trading days is about 17.8 percent. The level of underpricing is related to retained capital, underwriter’s price support, oversubscription, listing delay and the offer price. Age of the firm, its size and the size of the offer do not seem to reduce the amount of money left on the table by issuers. It appears also that underpricing is driven by irrational investors (ipoers) seeking for short-run capital gains. These results remain unchanged after controlling for the presence of institutional investors and the existence of liquidity contract.Initial public offerings; Short-run underpricing; Underwriter’s price support.

    Adénome de la vésicule biliaire avec aspect cholestérolose

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    Gallbladder adenoma is a benign, often asymptomatic tumor, discovered in 0.5% of cholecystectomy specimens. We report the case of a 79-year old woman, admitted with suspected acute pancreatitis of biliary origin. She received cholecystectomy. Gross examination showed a yellowish vegetative and friable lesion at the level of the gallbladder fundus, measuring 1,7 cm on the major axis. Histological examination showed tumor proliferation with papillary and tubular architecture, bordered by pseudostratified biliary-type epithelium Lamina propria was the seat of many clusters of foamy histiocytes. The diagnosis was tubular papillary biliary-type adenoma with low-grade dysplasia associated with cholesterolosis lesions. Adenomas of the gallbladder usually affect adult women. Clinically, they are often asymptomatic. They appear as sessile or pedunculated polypoid structures and projecting into the lumen of the gallbladder. Ultrasound or endoscopic ultrasonography can highlight these lesions and sometimes specify their nature in 5% of cases. Cholesterol polyps are always benign, accounting for nearly half of the cases, and are usually infracentimetric. In our case, the histological diagnosis was obvious but the presence of foamy histiocytes in the lamina propria was unusual. The entire lesion should be well studied histologically to detect high-grade dysplasia lesions or signs of invasion.Pan African Medical Journal 2016; 2

    A Smart Management Approach Investigation for Hybrid Autonomous Power System

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    A novel design of system management based on multi-agents approach applied to an autonomous hybrid power system is proposed and investigated. The system under study integrates few elements, some serve to provide power requirements, while the others used to store energy. Among these items, we can mention a Solar Power Source namely (SPS) which works as primary source to feed a DC electric load. The system integrates also a secondary power source namely Power Recovery Source (PRS) based on a fuel cell technology used to compensate the power deficit if required. More than two kinds of energy storage, the first called Hydrogen Generation Element (HGE) including a water electrolyzer to store the energy in hydrogen form, while the second uses an Ultracapacitor Element (UE) to store the energy in its electrical form. To reach the well functioning of the system in order to satisfy the load requirements whatever the facts, an intelligent energy management approach based on multi-agent modeling is implemented and verified. Hence, the reliability and the effectiveness of the applied management strategy, which allows the coordination between the different energy sources and protects the system against any fluctuation, are proved by the obtained results from Matlab/Simulink

    Prioritizing Power demand response for Hydrogen PEMFC-Electric Vehicles using Hybrid Energy Storage

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    PEMFC powered Hybrid vehicle system is one of an interesting issue for the industry due to its high performances. The PEMFC cannot certainly ensure a sustained required energy in some scenarios. To solve this problem related to PEMFC transient response, a Hybrid Electrical Storage System (HES) is a potential candidate for a solution. The proposed Hybrid Storage system is comprised of the battery (BT) and a Super-Capacitor (SC) components. These components are included to control the hydrogen variations and the fast peak powers scenarios respectively. The SC is used to control PEMFC and the BT slow dynamics at the same times. An accurate Multi-Ways Energy Management System (MW-EMS) is proposed which aims to cooperate with the system components through SC/BT state of charge and a flux calculation. The simulation results are discussed and assessed using  MATLAB/ Simulink

    Del texto literario a la imagen cinematogrĂĄfica: humor y terror en La torre de los siete jorobados

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    Our aim is to study two different viewpoints tackling the challenge of how to combine the humorous and the terrifying in the same work: the literary position and the cinematographic one. In The Tower of the Seven Hunchbacks, both, writer Emilio Carrere and film director Edgar Neville do not give up on their strategies to convey to their respective audience opposite feelings such are terror and humor. However, their approaches when combining these two elements are different: in the novel, humor is at the service of terror, yet in the movie, a role switch occurs: terror is what is at the service of humor. Thus, the main objective of this study is to demonstrate that the film adaptation, using a different approach, can perfectly preserve the spirit of the original work without having to be a simple replica. This is what the work of a movie director is about.El presente ensayo estudia dos posturas diferentes a la hora de afrontar el reto de combinar lo humorístico y lo terrorífico en una misma obra: la literaria y la cinematogråfica. En La torre de los siete jorobados, tanto el escritor, Emilio Carrere, como el director de cine, Edgar Neville, no renuncian a sus armas al tratar de transmitir a sus respectivos receptores dos sensaciones tan opuestas como son el terror y el humor. Sin embargo, sus enfoques a la hora de combinar estos dos elementos son diferentes: si en la novela el humor estå al servicio del terror, en la película se produce un intercambio de papeles: el terror es el que estå al servicio del humor. Así pues, el objetivo principal de este estudio es demostrar que la adaptación cinematogråfica puede conservar perfectamente el espíritu de la obra original sin, por ello, tener que ser una simple réplica. En esto consiste la labor del cineasta

    La crítica social en las novelas de José Mas

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